Making A Charitable Contribution
There are benefits and limitations when you decide to donate stock. Why sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio, you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them.
Monthly Memberships
A look as how autopay subscriptions can be a drain on your finances, especially when forgotten.
Mortgages in Retirement
Mortgages in Retirement Anyone who has gone through the process of mapping out their retirement knows there can be a lot to keep in mind. Saving, investing, anticipating medical costs, and making sure you have enough tucked away for years to come is just the start....
Retirement Seen Through Your Eyes
How do you picture your future? Some see retirement as a time to start a new career. Others see it as a time to travel. Still others plan to spend more time with family and friends. With that in mind, here are some things to consider.
Dog Bites Neighbor. Now What?
In 2023, there were 19,062 dog bite claims nationwide, totaling aggregate damages of over $1 billion, according to the Insurance Information Institute. For most homeowners (and renters), a standard policy generally covers any legal liability that may result from their dog biting or harming another individual.
Choices for Your 401(k) at a Former Employer
One of the common threads of a mobile workforce is that many individuals who leave their job are faced with a decision about what to do with their 401(k) account. Individuals have four choices with the 401(k) account they accrued at a previous employer.
Choosing A Retirement Plan That Fits Your Business
To choose a plan, it’s important to ask yourself four key questions. If you have yet to develop a retirement plan for your business, or if you’re not sure the plan you’ve chosen is the right one, here are some things to consider.
A Taxing Story: Capital Gains and Losses
Chris Rock once remarked, “You don’t pay taxes – they take taxes.” That applies not only to income but also to capital gains. Capital gains result when an individual sells an investment for an amount greater than their purchase price. Capital gains are categorized as...
The Financial Literacy Crisis
Imagine driving a car without a basic understanding of the rules of the road or even how to operate it. Scary thought. Here’s another scary circumstance – one that is all too real. Many Americans are making financial decisions with minimal financial knowledge of...
Five Most Overlooked Tax Deductions
Who among us wants to pay the IRS more taxes than we have to? While few may raise their hands, Americans regularly overpay because they fail to take tax deductions for which they are eligible. Let’s take a quick look at the five most overlooked opportunities to manage...